さるたぬき大貧民の教え(The Teachings of the Great Poor)



  1. 収入の十分の一を貯金せよ


  • 欲望に優先順位をつけよ


  • 貯えた金に働かせよ


  • 危険や天敵から金を堅守せよ


  • より良きところに住め


  • 今日から未来の生活に備えよ


  • 自分こそを最大の資本にせよ














I read “The Teachings of Babylon’s Richest Man” (author: George S. Clayson/publisher: Bunkyosha). This is the manga version.

The “Seven Tools of the Golden Rule” in the book stung me as I read it.

1. save a tenth of your income.

→I’ve been spending as much as I have.

2. prioritize your desires.

→I spent money as I wanted. I bought what I wanted as I wanted. 3.

Let the money you saved work for you.

→I finally started to invest a little bit last year. I’m not there yet. It’s too late.

4. protect your money from danger and natural enemies

→I’ve been wasting my money on sweet words, attending unnecessary drinking parties, and wasting my pride.

5. live in a better place

→I’ve been living in a place where the rent is cheaper because I think it’s more economical. I thought it would be more economical to live in a place with cheaper rent, but it cost me a lot of money for transportation. You have to take a cab or something. In addition, I have to go to a café to use the Internet because it is not well equipped.

6. prepare for your future life from today

→As you can see from 1 to 5 above. As you can see from 1 to 5 above, I didn’t prepare for almost anything. It’s the second half of my life, so I need to look to the future. Today is the youngest day of my (remaining) life!

Make yourself your greatest capital.

→First of all, you need to develop yourself. I need to brush up my own earning power. You need to brush up on your own earning power, and for that, you need to be conscious of your health. If you are not in good health, you cannot concentrate on your work!

That’s it, the first half of my life was the exact opposite of what millionaires teach, so I’ve decided that for the second half of my life, I’m going to improve my financial literacy and keep my head on straight!

投稿者: さるたぬき

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